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Central Valley Christian Academy Sonora is more than just an educational institution. It is a community that is dedicated to fostering the growth and development of the whole person in a Christ-centered environment.


CVCA Sonora Mission

The mission of the Central Valley Christian Academy is to provide an education of the highest quality within a Christ-centered environment.


It is dedicated to developing the whole person by fostering growth in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and by promoting academic excellence, emotional stability, physical well being, and social responsibility.​




Our community has a unique opportunity to provide a Bible-based, Christ-centered education to high school students who want to grow both academically and spiritually. We believe that this education will not only benefit the families in our community, but will also have a positive impact on the wider society. With this in mind, we are excited to announce that Mother Lode Adventist Junior Academy is partnering with Central Valley Christian Academy to bring this vision to life.


This expansion to a 9-12 grade high school will allow us to offer more specialized courses and extracurricular activities that will enrich the academic and social experiences of our students. We also plan to provide opportunities for our students to engage in community service and outreach programs that will help them develop a heart for service and compassion.


Our hope is that this high school will be a place where students can grow not only academically, but also spiritually. We want to provide a safe and supportive environment where students can develop a deep and meaningful relationship with God, and where they can be equipped to make a positive difference in the world. We are excited about the future and are committed to making this vision a reality for the families in our community.


Our goal is to create a new educational institution, Central Valley Christian Academy Sonora, by the 2023/2024 school year. We'll start with a freshman class, who will be the first to graduate in 2027. We'll add new classes every year until we have a full academy with 80 high school students, about 20 in each class. Our focus is to offer quality education to our community's youth and empower them to become future leaders and innovators.


Here is the anticipated timeline for making CVCA Sonora possible:

Starting 2023

Currently, classes for grades 9-10 meet on the campus of Mother Lode Adventist Junior Academy. 


For the next two school years, ending in 2025, these classes will remain in the same location. 

2026 & Beyond

The new high school campus for grades 9-12 should be completed by the start of the 2025-2026 school year, with classes for juniors starting for the first time.



We believe that one of the most important missions of our educational institution is to provide our children with ample opportunities to learn and grow, not only academically, but also in terms of their character and values. We strive to instill in them a deep sense of community and the importance of giving back to others. Our curriculum is designed to encourage our children to explore their interests and passions, while also challenging them to step outside of their comfort zones and try new things.

At the heart of our approach to education is the idea of service. We believe that by giving back to our community, we can demonstrate the love of God to those around us in a tangible way. Our students are encouraged to participate in a variety of service projects, from volunteering at local organizations to organizing fundraisers for charitable causes. Through these experiences, our children develop a sense of empathy and compassion for others, which will serve them well throughout their lives.

Our institution is dedicated to providing our children with a well-rounded education that emphasizes both academic rigor and a strong sense of community. We firmly believe that by instilling in our students a desire to serve others and a commitment to making the world a better place, we are helping to create the leaders of tomorrow who will make a positive impact on the world around them.

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