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​We offer a wide range of athletic programs for students to participate in, including basketball, flag football, soccer, swimming, track and field, volleyball, and a comprehensive ski program that includes five days of skiing each year.

Skiier going down the hill.

Additionally, we strive to foster relationships with other local schools to provide opportunities for our students to compete in tournaments and other events. We believe that participating in team sports promotes physical fitness and healthy habits, while also developing important life skills such as teamwork, leadership, and sportsmanship.


Our goal is to create a dynamic and enriching environment where students can thrive academically and athletically. We achieve this by offering various athletic programs and collaborating with other schools to provide competitive opportunities.


Team sports are an integral part of Christian education, offering an excellent opportunity to put Biblical principles into practice.

Playing honestly, smiling under pressure, showing respect for authority, and caring for the opponent are all values that can be demonstrated on the playing field.

But the benefits of team sports don't end there. They also provide a fun way for students to develop leadership skills, learn how to work together as a team, and build lasting friendships with their teammates. Additionally, team sports can help students stay physically active and healthy, while teaching important life skills such as time management and discipline.

Overall, team sports are an important part of a well-rounded education that provides students with a wide range of benefits both on and off the field.

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